Your College Network Is Your Future Net Worth
05/31/2019The success of one’s college career is far too often judged on the grades they receive in class, rather than the impact they make on those around them and the changes they undergo themselves. What many high school seniors (soon to be college freshmen) fail to understand is the true opportunity at hand when given the privilege […]
The Professionals Guide to Being a Potato!
10/3/2018SWEET POTATO VS COUCH POTATO Ahhh Let the coveted potato debate begin Sweet potatoes keep busy not only through exercising but also in other aspects of life, always chasing their dreams, finding ways to better themselves, constantly thinking of new ways to progress as a human orrrrr.. potato. Couch Potatoes spend most of their […]
College Network is your Future Networth
12/13/2017The success of one’s college career is far too often judged on the grades they receive in class, rather than the impacts they make on those around them and the changes they undergo themselves. What many high school seniors (soon to be college freshmen) fail to understand is the true opportunity at hand when given […]
Married, Fit & Almost Fifty
08/3/2014Awesome Job! Way to push through, that was great!” I exclaimed. “Eh, yeah, pretty good for a 50-year-old I guess,” said Scott The truth is, yeah, that last set of 10 hanging leg raises was pretty good for a 50-year-old, and a 40-year-old, 30-year-old, and maybe even 20-year-old too. Scott is preparing not only for his wedding […]
No Cottage Cheese Please… 6 K.O. Punches to Win the Fight Against Cellulite!
06/10/2014If you are looking to start a conversation in a room full of women, the only word you have to mention is the ever-dreaded and notorious “CELLULITE.” Whether you consider yourself overweight, out of shape, thin, or fit — the clumpy fact remains — you can still suffer from cellulite no matter your size or shape. We see a […]
Your College Network Is Your Future Net Worth
05/25/2014The success of one’s college career is far too often judged on the grades they receive in class, rather than the impacts they make on those around them and the changes they undergo themselves. What many high school seniors (soon to be college freshmen) fail to understand is the true opportunity at hand when given […]
College Squat Party! 18 Exercises to Have the Best Ass In Class
01/30/2014You’re Invited! BYOB: Bring Your Own Beer Butt Turn every college guy’s head with this easy bubble-butt workout routine right from your dorm. With spring semester so close, you can almost taste the alcohol, heavy class workload and the countless excuses we make to ourselves about not finding time to exercise. However, with summer only […]
Thumbs Up! [Photo Guide] My Grandpa’s First Adventure To a Naturopathic Doctor
01/22/2014After walking into the doctors office, the first obstacle we faced was finding a seat that was not too soft but also…not too hard. We needed something right in the middle. You know like the porridge in the 3 Little Bears (does anyone still say “porridge?”) The first seat, a miniature bench placed right in […]
Cheers to The Better Years: 3 Agressive Ways to Conquer 2014!!!
01/5/2014Let’s raise our hands to the sky, clench your fist, squeeze your biceps, and flex your abs with a toast to the new year. Grab hold of your sword and shield as we prepare to journey into 2014. This is the year where our resolution’s will NOT end faster than the ball drops (Clarification: New […]