November 20, 2013 3:15 pmWhat to Do!
1 Set Per Exercise
Complete as many Sets as possible (Put 8 minutes on the clock and 3 2 1…GO!)
Every other day, no exceptions or excuses!
- 1) Hanging Leg Raises 15 Reps (Alternate: Hanging knee raises)
- 2) Hanging Leg Raises 15 Reps (Alternate: Hanging knee raises)
- 3) Weighted Crunches 20 Reps (Alternate: Weightless Crunches)
- 4) Decline Weighted Sit-ups 15 Reps (Alternate: Weightless Decline Sit-ups)
- 5) Weighted Russian Twists 20 Reps (Alternate: Weightless Russian Twists)
- 6) Push-up Plank Hold 30 second hold super-set with a regular forearm plank 30 second hold
- 7) Right Side/ Left Side Plank alternate 30-60 seconds each side super set with knee to chin tucks once capable of doing so
- 9) Towel Tucks/Glide Discs- 20 Reps (You will need a large towel for this, and a wood or tiled floor, in push-up position with the towel underneath your feet (balls of your foot/toe), rapidly bring your feet in unison forward with your knees tucking directly underneath your chest