College Squat Party! 18 Exercises to Have the Best Ass In Class

January 30, 2014 5:23 am

You’re Invited! BYOB: Bring Your Own Beer Butt


Jen Selter

Jen Selter


Turn every college guy’s head with this easy bubble-butt workout routine right from your dorm.

With spring semester so close, you can almost taste the alcohol, heavy class workload and the countless excuses we make to ourselves about not finding time to exercise.

However, with summer only a few months away, that means bikini season will be be back in session soon too.

Dumbbell Denial 

Put your hands in the air and step away from the cardio equipment. It takes more than a 2-hour rotation from treadmill to elliptical to stairmaster in order to tone and tighten.

The most consistent complaint I receive from younger women is:  “If I use weights, I am going to get bulky.”

The answer is “NO!!!”.. that is not true…

Unless one of the following pertains to you:

1) You take steroids

2) You eat thousands of calories a day from fast and fried foods

3) You have the raging testosterone levels of a college male (which you don’t)

You need to come to the realization that adding weights to complement your cardio routine will help on your quest to look toned and defined. It also helps speed up the time in which you would normally see results.

Strength training and resistance-bearing exercises not only build muscle, but they also burn fat.  This is especially true for your lower half — perfect for developing sexy legs and an A+  ass!

Prepare to voluptuously enhance your rear view —  from the convenience of your college dorm, and all you’ll need is a pair of dumbbells.

With this 2-day routine, we will be focusing on multi-joint movements, hitting all the angles of your bottom half, and keeping your core tightened and engaged throughout each exercise. 

College Squat Party: 2-Day Routine

What you need:

1 pair of moderate to heavy dumbbells — A crucial factor to building your bottom  is to use challenging weights. The last rep of each exercise should be difficult to perform.

1 pair of Yoga Pants –– I mean, technically you can wear anything  you want (pajamas, maybe?)…I just thoroughly enjoy yoga pants… optional of course


Warm Up:

5 Exercises – 30 seconds each 2x = 5 minutes total

First, please perform 10 Reps of – Shut your phone off, close your laptop, and hide them under your mattress until you are done.

1) 30s Jog in place

2) 30s High Knees

3) 30s Butt Kicks

4) 30s Squats

5) 30s Lateral Side Lunges (alternate from left to right)

That’s round 1, now repeat for round 2.

Day 1

3 circuits (A-B-C): Complete each circuit 3x before moving onto the next, with little to no break in between exercises 1 ,2, and 3 of each circuit.


1) Squats – 15 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down at your side

2) Squat Jumps – 20 reps 

– With DB’s held down at your side

3) Hip Bridges – 15 reps…or Advanced Single-Leg Hip Bridges – 15 reps (each leg)

– 1 heavier DB placed across your midline, with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Thrust up and actively squeeze the glutes with each rep


 1) Sumo “Pile” Squats – 15 reps

– Legs wider than normal outside your hips, 1 DB held with both hands vertically between your legs

2) Low Pulse and Squeeze – 20 reps

– Stay in your sumo squat stance from above, quickly pulse and squeeze from the lower half of the squat

3)  Single-Leg Bulgarian Squat – 15 reps each leg 

– Split stance starting with 1 leg  propped behind you on a chair (bed, stool, desk), with opposite leg straight, foot flat on the floor, DB’s in each hand resting at your side


1) Deadlift – 15 reps

– Feet positioned shoulder-width apart (slightly outside the hips), knees barely bent, DB’s in hand, motion from a standing position down towards your feet, keeping the DBs close your body (Hint: as if you were performing a toe-touch stretch.) Return to standing position, squeezing glutes and thrusting your hips forward

2) Lateral “Side” Hops – 20 reps

– Place a pencil or pen on the floor, stand on your toes with your feet together, and quickly hop from one side to the other (left to right)

3) Single-Leg Kick Backs – 15 reps each leg  

– Place your hands against a sturdy surface for support (a wall would be best), walk your feet out behind you, slightly bend your knees, lift 1 leg to kick straight back and up, actively squeeze your glute at the top of each motion. 15 reps, then switch to the opposite leg (no DBs are  needed for this exercise)

Day 2

3 circuits (A-B-C): Complete each circuit 3x before moving onto the next. Little to no break in between 1, 2, and 3 of each circuit.


1) Squat to Front Kick – 12 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down by your side, alternate legs after each kick, squat between each rep (Ex.: squat, kick right leg, squat, kick left leg)

2) Quick Toe Taps – 20 reps 

– With no DB’s, place a textbook on the floor and quickly tap 1 foot on it, then the other, alternating as fast as possible

3) Alternating Side Lunge – 12 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down by your side, step with your right leg while keeping the left straight, push your hips back as you step out into the lunge, then return to the starting position – alternate and repeat


 1) Squat to Side Kick – 12 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down by your side, alternate legs after each kick, squat between each rep (Ex.: squat, kick the right leg, squat, kick the left leg)

2) Single-Leg Step Ups or Box Jumps – 20 reps

– Using a chair, step, or stool, step up one leg at a time, continuously alternating from right to left. To increase difficulty, jump with both feet at the same time, standing up straight, and then return to the starting position to complete another rep

3) Alternating Forward Lunge – 12 reps 

– With DB’s resting up at shoulders or down at your side, lunge forward with the right leg, go back to the starting position, then lunge forward with the left leg and return to the starting position – alternate and repeat


1) Squat to Reverse Kick – 12 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down by your side, alternate legs after each backward kick and squat between each rep (Ex.: squat, kick right leg, squat, kick left leg)

2) Burpees – 20 reps

– Begin doing this exercise at a slow pace. If you need to modify the exercise to make it easier, please do so by only going halfway down through the motion, or cut the number of reps in half to 10 and slowly progress to 20

3) Alternating Reverse Lunge – 12 reps

– With DB’s resting up at your shoulders or down by your side, lunge back with the right leg, back to the starting position, then lunge back with the left leg and return to the starting position – alternate and repeat

Be sure to rest at least 24-48 hours between Routine 1 and 2. Start slow, rotate from Routine 1 to Routine 2, and do not perform either routine more than 3x per week.

Enjoy the party.

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Stay Fit - Routines